Sizzling Squares

My final project for ICS 369. Yet another recreation of a small game I really enjoyed as a child. What I really enjoyed from this one was putting my ideal “trifecta” of hobbies to work. The game was programmed entirely by me in unity, with a quick, repetitive bass line I made in FL Studio to accompany a snowman I modeled in my ACM 215 class very recently. The model was actually made weeks after the game was. Being able to quickly replace it from the original capsule placeholder, without the game completely breaking, was a proud moment for me. Turns out decoupling code can be pretty helpful!

Another thing I learned about myself was that coding concepts are much easier for me to pick up when I apply them to something I’m really interested in. The concept of coroutines, particle systems, or events and delegates, seemed absolutely foreign to me when I heard of them. But when I see how they can be used in a game development context, it’s still difficult, but I find I’m much more invested in the learning process. “How could I use this to make games?” is a question I’ll have to ask myself more going forward, and I believe almost any concept in programming or other parts of software development can carry over when you think about it hard enough.

Play the game here